Golf Course Policies

Golf Privileges 

The Hayden Lake Country Club and Golf Course is a Private Club and Golf Course.

1.     Members of any classification who introduce guests or who have obtained guest cards for their guests shall be held responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests while on Club property and shall be further held liable for the prompt and full discharge of any house accounts that such guests may incur.
2.     Guests golf privileges must:
        a.    Be sponsored by a golfing member with whom they are playing.
        b.    Be currently staying in our hotel facilities, Member’s presence not required.
        c.    Be a member in good standing at a reciprocal golf club.
3.     Guests golf privileges:
        A permanent record of guest play will be maintained in the Golf Shop.
    a.     All non-golfing members and guests of members may be permitted golfing privileges for a total of three rounds in any calendar year.
    b.     Sponsoring member’s “Immediate Family Members” are allowed a maximum of seven (7) golf rounds per calendar year. They must play in the company of the sponsoring family member.
    c.     Play in club events, tournaments and any other general play does count against the allowable guest rounds as described above. The Board of Directors may also waive the restrictions described above to participants in certain tournaments or events.
Social members, like all non-members, can play three (3) rounds in any calendar year as a “Guest of a Golfing Member.”

  1. Every golfer must register in the Golf Shop before teeing off.
  2. All golf course play shall be under the direction and supervision of the Golf Shop staff who report directly to the Director of Golf.
  3. Misconduct of golf etiquette will be reported to the Director of Golf, Head PGA Golf Professional and the Golf and Tournament Committee. The Board of Directors will take any necessary disciplinary action.
  4. The Board of Directors has approval power of all member and non-member HLCC sanctioned golf events.  Any guest playing in a HLCC sanctioned golf event must be 21 years of age or older. 
  5. “Immediate Family Members”:  For purposes related to Golf Guest Privileges, Immediate Family Members are defined as ones Parents, Grandparents, In-Laws, Siblings and Children, Step Children and Grandchildren.
  6. All play shall start on the #1 tee unless otherwise allowed by the Pro Shop Staff.
  7. Fivesomes will be allowed at the Starter’s discretion only if they can keep pace with other foursomes.
  8. The Pro Shop Staff reserve the right to, with notice, group golfing twosomes/threesomes into foursomes, during prime time.
    1. Pro Shop Staff reviews the Tee Sheet 48 Hours prior to play
    2. All “X”s will be removed 48 hours prior to play
  9. The Golf Shop shall keep the schedule of starting times. Reservations may be made up to one (1) week in advance starting at 8:00 am.
  10. Tee restrictions for HLCC’s official golf season are as follows:
Mondays: Course closed until 11:00 am
Wednesdays: 18 Hole Ladies Group only before 12:00 pm
Thursdays: 9 Hole Ladies Group only before 10:00 am and
Men only from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Saturdays: HLCC golfing members only until 10:00 am.
  • Markers will be set daily: Hit only from designated teeing areas.
  • Carts will be parked in designated areas.
  • The grass teeing area’s hours are weather dependent.
  • The Teaching Tee at the south end of practice area is reserved for lessons only.
  • Car parking for use of practice facility is available at the Clubhouse. Carts will be provided for transportation to practice area.
  • These holes are for regular play only.
  • No chipping and pitching practice onto these greens.
  • By reservation only:
    • Golf members may make reservations online using the online tee time system  
    • Social members may make reservations by calling the Red House: 208-719-0986.
  • Lessons Available: Contact the Golf Shop for more information.
  • Simulators may be rented by the hour, at an hourly rate.

Golf Cart Regulations

1.     No more passengers than the seats are allowed on a cart.    
2.     Obey all posted signs.
3.     Start and stop carts slowly.
4.     Use paths or rough wherever possible.
5.     Club operated carts may not be operated by minors under 16 years of age unless they are riding with an adult. This includes Club carts and privately owned carts. Any misuse of carts by minors will result in immediate forfeiture of rights.
6.     All carts must stay on cart paths around tees and greens.
7.     Gas carts are not permitted on the course, without approval by the Director of Golf and the Golf Committee.
8.     All carts must be outfitted with turf tires. No lug tires permitted.
9.     All carts must be outfitted with a sand and seed bottle.
Privately Owned Carts: Members may own and operate their own carts for their enjoyment and convenience. Privately owned carts will follow all use rules and are the responsibility of their owner. Private cart owners must register their cart(s) with The Hayden Lake Country Club and pay all associated fees for each individual cart. Some cart parking is available at the Club on a space available basis. Carts kept in Club storage must pay for valet service which will be administered by the Golf Shop.
Owner, spouse, immediate family (non-member), and accompanied guests are the only authorized users of these carts. A trail fee will be charged for any additional users. Members who own private carts are allowed to ride with other private cart owners
Members may not loan or allow other members to use their privately owned cart. All carts must be outfitted with turf tires and a sand a seed bottle. No lug tires will be permitted. No gas carts will be permitted.
Hand carts are not allowed on tee boxes or between sand bunkers
and greens.

Handicap Regulations

The HLCC provides its golfers with the Golf Handicap Index Network (GHIN). It is provided by the WSGA and is endorsed by the USGA. GHIN is the most accurate, complete and authoritative service for clubs that follow the USGA Handicap System. All golfers who wish to maintain a handicap must contact the Golf Shop to be placed on the GHIN system computer. The golfer will receive a GHIN number at that time. This number is used for handicap identification at all clubs throughout the national system. A yearly fee is automatically charged to each GHIN participant.
1.     Make certain when beginning a round ALL players in the group are listed on the play sheet for the day.
2.     Post your score immediately after completing play. If you have any questions about what score should be posted, consult with a member of the professional staff.
3.     The professional staff will check each day to make certain accurate scores were posted.
4.     Internet posting available. 
5.     The Handicap Committee will review scores frequently and have the authority to adjust handicaps at any time.

First failure: A warning and the forgotten score posted. That person will then be placed on a list to be double-checked for the balance of the current golf season and will be required to return each score card to the Golf Shop staff.

Second failure: A penalty score equal to the best round of the most recent 20 scores, if lower than the actual score that was not recorded.

Third failure: Dropped from the handicap roll the balance of the season. This means you would not be eligible for play in any event requiring a USGA Handicap Index.

These serious steps are being taken to assure accurate handicaps and fair play at Hayden Lake Country Club. The goal of the Handicap Committee is to be as certain as possible all Hayden Lake Country Club golfers are playing by USGA Handicap rules. These steps are authorized by the USGA Handicap Manual Section 8-2, 8-3 and 8-4. The text of this letter has been reviewed by the Pacific Northwest Golf Association staff.
Please contact the Golf Professional staff for questions regarding the USGA Handicap System. The Handicap Committee will consider medical conditions and make appropriate adjustments where merited.

Additional Golf Course Regulations

Names are required when making tee times. Entries without names (“holding” the space with “X”) will be released 48 hours prior to the tee time. This policy pertains to all member play and blocked times for closed groups. All play will begin on the first hole.
Any group playing at Hayden Lake Country Club will keep pace and contact with the group in front of them. If the hole is open ahead of them, they must invite the group behind them to play through. Rules apply for twosomes, threesomes, and foursomes, but not singles, as they have no standing on the course. On a par four, an open hole is described as the players of the group ahead leaving the putting green before the group behind has hit their tee shot on that hole. On a par five, being a hole behind is described as all of the players in the group ahead being on the putting surface before the group behind has hit their first tee shot. On a par three, an open hole is when the hole has been vacated prior to a group’s arrival to the tee. In this case players should hit their tee shots and allow the next group to play through.
The USGA has rated our course for the purposes of pace of play. The pace of play will be monitored daily by the golf professionals and rigidly enforced particularly on Saturday mornings.
HLCC course rated time is 3 hours 50 minutes. Those groups unable to complete the round in the allotted time are subject to tee time restrictions by the Golf Committee and the Board of Directors.
The Club does not encourage dogs on the course. Any dogs on the course or grounds must abide by the following guidelines:
  • All dogs must be leashed (either physically or electronically) at all times while on club grounds and property.
  • All dog waste must be promptly and properly disposed of. Dog owners, like all on the course, must follow golf etiquette rules and procedures. 
If any dog becomes agitated or barks excessively, it is the members’ responsibility to quickly remove him from the property.

All golfers are expected to wear clothing designed primarily for golf. The general rule is smart, casual clothing that is appropriate to the occasion, time of day and time of year. 
Shoes must be worn at all times on the golf course. Golf shoes with metal spikes shall not be allowed on the golf course. Non-golf sportswear such as tee shirts, bathing suits and workout/fitness attire are not allowed. 

For Men: Appropriate golf attire includes collared shirts, golf slacks or shorts and golf shoes. The brims of hats and visors are to face forward.

For Ladies: Appropriate golf attire includes collared shirts, leggings, golf slacks or shorts, culottes, dresses and golf shoes.  Non-golf sportswear such as tee shirts and tank tops are not permitted. Bare midriffs are not acceptable.

When in doubt as to what is appropriate, apparel should be tasteful and conservative, similar to the types of clothing available in the HLCC Golf Shop.